Zaur N. Ismikhanov - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Management, Dagestan State University Address: 43A, Gadjieva Street, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 367000, Russian Federation. The issues related to cognitive structuring of subject area and cognitive model building, as well as with scenario modeling of situation dynamics in the social and economic domains of the Republic of Dagestan are considered and solved. The first task is solved on the basis of a SWOT analysis of the main problems related to the current situation and tendencies of Dagestan’s development. This solution helped to reveal the main factors of the current situation and prospects of the republic’s social and economic development. The cognitive model of the regional social and economic system has been created. A cognitive model is a functional graph of the considered system, where the peaks correspond to the system factors, and the curves reflect their functional interdependence. The second task is solved with the help of the Ditch (“Kanava”) cognitive modeling system. A cognitive model was used to forecast the scenario of target social and economic indicators depending on the managing factors’ influence. . The results of forecasting the regional social and economic development are obtained on the basis of impulse modeling. They help to reveal the social, economic and political patterns of warning and preventing negative tendencies of social and economic development, obtain theoretical and practical knowledge of problems in the region, and formulate practical conclusion on this basis. In particular, it is offered to enhance the activity of the governing bodies, in order to reduce the administrative and corruptive pressure on business. This will lead to the increase of the investment attractiveness level of the republic. The problem of unemployment can be solved by efficient use of reserves and resources for small business development.
Ismikhanov Z.N. (2015) Modelirovanie social’no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija regiona na osnove kognitivnogo podhoda (na primere Respubliki Dagestan) [Modeling of the regional social and economic development on the basis of a cognitive approach (on materials of the Republic of Dagestan)]. Business Informatics, no. 2 (32), pp. 59-68 (in Russian).